Biblical Counsellors in Training at LHC

One of our main priorities here at Living Hope is to care for our church family. This happens in many ways, but we’re excited to share one way we’re doing this through the Living Hope Centre for Care and Counselling, and invite you to pray for us as we move forward.
One of the plans for the LHCCC is to build up a team of counsellors who are able to serve the spiritual and emotional needs within the church. At the moment, our team has been working together on certification training with the Association of Biblical Counselling. This involves learning basic counselling skills and principles with the key being the application of the Gospel to our struggles and pain. Our goal is to have more counsellors available at the LHCCC as we continue to meet the needs of our congregation and community.
Your growing Biblical Soul-Care team is:
John and Karen Hoornweg
Anita Huggins
Brian Russell
Please pray for us.
That the Word of God would dwell richly in us as we study and grow together.
That we would learn to apply the principles of Scripture to the issues in our own lives and in the lives of other people.
For courage as we begin to practice and meet with people as part of our training.
For stamina in staying on top of assignments and readings.
We won’t be ready to begin serving in this capacity until sometime in 2021. In the meantime, Brian continues to provide counselling and psychotherapy services at the LHCCC.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Brian.
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